Diagnosis | Appendicitis during pregnancy

Diagnosis The diagnosis of appendicitis in general and also during pregnancy is primarily made on the basis of the surgeon’s clinical assessment. This means that the physician assesses whether appendicitis is probable based on the patient’s condition, the findings of the physical examination and the symptoms presented. Further diagnostic measures such as a blood test … Diagnosis | Appendicitis during pregnancy

Appendix rupture

Definition In the event of a rupture of the appendix, the small appendix appendix appendix breaks open and the contents enter the abdominal cavity. The cause is an inflammation of the appendix (appendicitis). A rupture of the appendix is life-threatening and must be treated immediately. The leakage of the intestinal contents causes the inflammation to … Appendix rupture

Causes of irritation of the appendix | Irritation of the appendix

Causes of irritation of the appendix The appendix appendix consists of many lymph follicles. If the connection between the appendix and the descending appendix is blocked, a secretion congestion in the appendix occurs. This allows bacteria from the large intestine to multiply and lead to irritation or inflammation. This congestion of secretion is usually caused … Causes of irritation of the appendix | Irritation of the appendix

Duration of irritation of the appendix | Irritation of the appendix

Duration of irritation of the appendix If there is only irritation and no inflammation, it is a self-limiting process that usually lasts only a few days. On the first day, the symptoms slowly increase, which then last for some time and subside again. During the irritation there can always be improvement and worsening. The course … Duration of irritation of the appendix | Irritation of the appendix

This is how one distinguishes an irritation of the appendix from an appendicitis | Irritation of the appendix

This is how one distinguishes an irritation of the appendix from an appendicitis The transition from irritation of the appendix to appendicitis is fluid, so that it is often not possible to make a clear distinction. In case of doubt, therefore, the more dangerous one, i.e. appendicitis, should be assumed until the exclusion of the … This is how one distinguishes an irritation of the appendix from an appendicitis | Irritation of the appendix

Symptoms of appendicitis

The symptoms of acute appendicitis initially begin with dull, diffuse and not exactly localizable abdominal pain around the navel (periumbillikal). Within a few hours, the pain shifts to the right lower abdomen and from then on is a constant and quite precisely localizable permanent pain (“point pain”). This pain is often aggravated by coughing and … Symptoms of appendicitis

Symptoms in children and infants | Symptoms of appendicitis

Symptoms in children and infants Recognizing the symptoms in children or infants can be very demanding for the treating doctor. Young people behave differently than adults during an illness and the effect on their body varies considerably. The immune system is not yet as developed as that of adults. As a result, it is not … Symptoms in children and infants | Symptoms of appendicitis

Pain with appendicitis

Introduction The appendix, or more precisely the appendix, is a short, thin section of the large intestine that is not necessary for the transport of food. If it becomes inflamed, the stomach suffers severe pain, which increases relatively quickly. Such an appendicitis can be an emergency situation and in most cases must be treated surgically. … Pain with appendicitis