Duration of treatment for Impetigo Contagiosa | Contagious impetigo

Duration of treatment for Impetigo Contagiosa

The antibiotic therapy is usually scheduled for 7 days. After that the skin symptoms should decrease. Since the lesions are open wounds, healing may take a little longer than 7 days, but the wounds are no longer contagious.

Special feature for adults

Impetigo Contagiosa can also occur in adults. Adults usually contract the disease from infected children. In adults, skin symptoms also occur, but these are usually not as extreme as in children.

Adults receive the same treatment as children with an antibiotic. In addition, a smear can be taken, since the infection with Staphylococcus aureus is also common in adults. Especially with adults it is important to dispose of all cosmetics that are used several times.

Here, the persistence of the pathogens can often lead to reinfections. If general symptoms occur in adults, treatment with an oral antibiotic is also necessary. It is important that adults also avoid contact with other people, especially children, as much as possible to avoid transmission.

Here too, strict hygiene should be observed and all laundry should be washed at 60 degrees. There are detergents that can be used additionally in case of bacterial contamination or fungal infestation of textiles. However, these should only be used if there is a real need. Otherwise, these detergents are extremely harmful to the environment and should not be used further.