Smoking Cessation with Hypnosis

Hypnosis for smoking cessation is a therapeutic method based on the analysis of typical smoking situations in trance, so as to show the affected patient possible alternatives to smoking. With the help of this method, it is possible to reduce or, if necessary, eliminate the mental processes that promote addiction. The basic principle of smoking … Smoking Cessation with Hypnosis

Smoking Cessation with Nicotine Replacement Therapy and Drug Treatment

In smoking cessation, the administration of nicotine replacement therapy and smoking cessation medications, both when used alone and in combination with other smoking cessation procedures, such as behavioral therapy, represents an important factor in influencing the likelihood of success in quitting addictive behaviors. However, it is crucial to separate nicotine replacement therapy from medication-assisted smoking … Smoking Cessation with Nicotine Replacement Therapy and Drug Treatment

Smoking Cessation with Behavioral Therapy

The behavioral therapy for smoking cessation is a therapeutic procedure of psychology and psychoanalytics, which is to support the smoker in giving up smoking with the help of a so-called reconditioning. This reconditioning is the basis for the therapeutic procedure and describes the abandonment or the change of an existing stimulus-response pattern. The conditioning is … Smoking Cessation with Behavioral Therapy