Prostate carcinoma

Prostate carcinoma is a malignant tumor that develops from the tissue of the prostate. It is the most common carcinoma in men and is the third most common cause of cancer in men, leading to death. The frequency of this disease increases continuously with age. A characteristic feature of prostate cancer is its slow growth, … Prostate carcinoma

Symptoms | Prostate carcinoma

Symptoms There are almost no early warning signs of prostate cancer. Relevantly noticeable and specific symptoms usually do not appear until the advanced stage, which is why regular participation in routine examinations is very important. If the tumor is still confined to the prostate and presses against the urethra, urination may become difficult. These include, … Symptoms | Prostate carcinoma

Diagnosis | Prostate carcinoma

Diagnosis In order to finally confirm the diagnosis of prostate cancer, a biopsy is required, i.e. a sample is taken from the prostate gland and examined microscopically for degenerated cells. This is carried out if the palpation finding at the DRU was conspicuous, the PSA value exceeds 4ng/ml or a rapid increase in the PSA … Diagnosis | Prostate carcinoma

Staging | Prostate carcinoma

Staging Once the grading and staging has been completed and the PSA level determined, prostate cancers can be further grouped into different stages with similar prognosis. An often used classification is that according to UICC (Union internationale contre le cancer). Stage I prostate carcinomas are those that are confined to the prostate, have no lymph … Staging | Prostate carcinoma

OP | Prostate carcinoma

OP The surgical treatment option is radical prostatectomy (RPE). The prostate gland (prostate) is completely cut out (ectomy), usually both seminal vesicles and possibly also affected lymph nodes in the immediate vicinity (regional lymph nodes). There are various surgical procedures. The operation can be performed through the abdomen (retropubic RPE) or from the perineum (perineal … OP | Prostate carcinoma

Life expectancy at stage 3 | What is the life expectancy of prostate cancer?

Life expectancy at stage 3 Stage 3 refers to a condition in which the capsule of the prostate gland has already been penetrated by the tumor or the seminal vesicle has already been attacked by tumor cells. This stage is therefore already a locally advanced form of prostate cancer. Compared to the previous stages, life … Life expectancy at stage 3 | What is the life expectancy of prostate cancer?

What is the life expectancy without treatment? | What is the life expectancy of prostate cancer?

What is the life expectancy without treatment? In some forms of prostate cancer, it is not possible to start active treatment immediately. This process is called “Active Surveillance” and includes check-ups that must be performed regularly so that therapy can be initiated immediately if the condition worsens. The decision should only be made after careful … What is the life expectancy without treatment? | What is the life expectancy of prostate cancer?

What negatively affects life expectancy from prostate cancer? | What is the life expectancy of prostate cancer?

What negatively affects life expectancy from prostate cancer? The factors explained in the upper section can also have a negative influence on life expectancy, depending on their characteristics. Regarding the TNM classification, higher values have a rather negative influence on life expectancy.T3 or T4 are less favourable than T1 or T2 in terms of tumour … What negatively affects life expectancy from prostate cancer? | What is the life expectancy of prostate cancer?

How is life expectancy related to the Gleason score? | What is the life expectancy of prostate cancer?

How is life expectancy related to the Gleason score? Together with the PSA level and TNM classification, the Gleason Score can determine the prognosis for prostate cancer. To determine the Gleason Score, the stages of cell degeneration are examined under a microscope after removal of prostate tissue (biopsy). This is because cancerous tumors no longer … How is life expectancy related to the Gleason score? | What is the life expectancy of prostate cancer?