Home remedy for snoring | How can snoring be prevented?

Home remedy for snoring

There are several home remedies that can help with snoring. Snoring is one of the most common causes of snoring. A steam bath can loosen secretions in the nasopharynx and free the respiratory tract.

You can find the continuation of the topic under: Inhalation – How is it done correctly? Snoring caused by a cold can be relieved by garlic, honey, peppermint and olive oil. They have an anti-inflammatory effect and reduce swelling in the nasal mucous membranes.

They help to improve nasal breathing. The swelling of the airways is reduced and vibrations of the throat decrease. In addition to the household remedies mentioned above, there are other options to prevent snoring.

If you are overweight, weight loss can help. In the end, the fatty tissue in the neck area, which constricts the airways, also shrinks. In addition, one should refrain from alcoholic drinks for about two hours before going to bed and have an early dinner. A supine position while sleeping should be avoided if possible. Depending on the individual cause of snoring, healthy sleep hygiene can help to significantly improve sleep and reduce annoying snoring.

Is the surgery a solution?

In order to prevent snoring permanently, various surgical options can be considered. Snoring is often caused by anatomical changes that can be surgically corrected by ENT specialists. These include surgery of the nasal septum in the case of a nasal septum curvature, surgical reduction of enlarged nasal conchae and paranasal sinus surgery, for example, in the case of a chronic sinusitis or proliferating nasal polyps, if the indication is given.

In children, enlarged tonsils are a frequent cause of night snoring. Under certain circumstances, a tonsil operation can be useful and eliminate the symptoms. Other possibilities are soft palate plastic surgery, stiffening of the soft palate and operations at the base of the tongue and hyoid bone.

These nose plasters and nose clips are available

Nasal plasters are used to keep the upper airways clear. A nasal patch consists of a strip of adhesive tape with rounded ends. It contains narrow plastic strips that give the patch stability.

It is stuck over the bridge of the nose and keeps the nostrils open. There are nose plasters in different colors, including transparent plasters.Unlike nose patches, nose clips can be used over a very long period of time. They can be cleaned and reused, while nose patches are changed every night.

A nose clip is similar to a nose ring that is inserted into the nostrils from below. It spreads the wings of the nose from the inside and fixes them in this position, so that more air can flow through the nose into the length during sleep. In case of bad nasal breathing, nasal plasters and nose clips can greatly relieve snoring.