Homeopathy for baby colic

Homeopathic medicines

The following are possible homeopathic medicines:

  • Magnesium carbonicum
  • Magnesium muriaticum
  • Chamomilla
  • Colocynthis
  • Carbo vegetabilis

Calcium phosphoricum

The typical dosage at which Magnesium carbonicum can be used for baby colic is: Globuli D12

  • Cramp-like abdominal pain with acidic vomiting and acidic stools
  • Breast children with milk intolerance experience cramp-like abdominal pain shortly after eating
  • The legs are tightened, bending together improves
  • Vomit and stool and the whole child smells sour
  • The bowel movement is usually thin and greenish-slimy.

Magnesium muriaticum

The typical dosage at which Magnesium muriaticum can be used for baby colic is: Globuli D12

  • Corresponds to Magnesium carbonicum
  • However with knotty bowel movement rather indicated


The typical dosage at which Chamomilla can be used for baby colic is: Tablets D12

  • The abdomen is distended, bilious vomiting, bowel movements greenish and slimy
  • Diarrhea and bloating cramps during dentition
  • Toothache gets worse with warm drink Impatient, irritable and annoying children
  • Demands for certain things and rejects them as soon as you fulfill your will
  • Wants to be worn
  • One cheek red, the other pale
  • Exaggerated pain reaction (screaming, kicking, restless back and forth)
  • Also anger and rage can cause flatulence colic


The typical dosage at which Colocynthis can be used for baby colic is: Tablets D6, D12

  • Gas belly with rumors in the belly, belching and wind escape do not improve
  • After eating, the pain becomes stronger. Improvement through firm pressure, squeezing together and warmth (put on legs, prone position)
  • Watery chairs
  • Annoyed, impatient children
  • Abdominal pain causes anxiety and restlessness

Carbo vegetabilis

The typical dosage at which Carbo vegetabilis can be used for baby colic is: Tablets D12

  • Drum belly with cramping pain after too fatty food or through milk
  • Foul-smelling stools and flatulence combined with strongly disturbed general well-being
  • Pale and cold, bluish skin, cold sweat
  • Aggravation of complaints in warm and humid weather