How do Antibiotics Work?

Since Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin, bacterial diseases have lost their terror. Today, there are more than 70 different antibiotic agents that can be used to fight infections caused by bacteria. Learn interesting facts about antibiotics here.

Correct intake of antibiotics

However, the strongest antibiotic is of no use if it is not taken properly. Therefore, you should pay attention to the following points when taking antibiotics: Before taking them for the first time, read the package insert or ask about the correct time to take your medication when you fill your prescription. It depends on the active ingredient used.

Some antibiotics are taken on an empty stomach, while others need to be taken a few hours apart from the previous meal. Still others are taken with food. There are no basic rules because the active ingredients used vary widely.

Effect of antibiotics

An antibiotic should absolutely be used as long as prescribed by the doctor. Even if the symptoms of the disease have improved after one or two days, the medicine should continue to be taken, because only then can it kill all bacteria. If some germs survive, they become resistant, i.e. insensitive to the antibiotic. The medication then no longer works. This could also happen if an antibiotic is taken for too long.

Milk can bind some antibiotics and prevent them from working. However, a sip of water is not enough to wash it down; a whole glass is recommended.

Watch out for interactions

Some antibiotics do not interact with other medications, such as birth control pills. Medicines bought without a prescription can also interfere with the action of antibiotics. This is where the pharmacist knows.

Do not swallow leftovers

In the medicine cabinet are still three tablets from last year? Always throw away such leftovers. Not all antibiotics work for every infection, because bacteria differ from each other. If you suspect an infection, you should therefore consult a doctor.

After the antibiotic eat a lot of yogurt

If the doctor has prescribed antibiotics against a bacterial infection, you should eat a lot of yogurt afterwards, because some antibiotics damage the natural intestinal flora. Diarrhea can be the result. Yogurt contains many lactic acid bacteria, which can help to rebuild the intestinal flora. To support this, yeast preparations are available in pharmacies. In this way, the intestinal flora quickly becomes fit again.