How Long to Breastfeed? – Duration and Frequency

How long breastfeeding: Duration and frequency

After the baby’s first sucking attempts shortly after birth, most mothers manage to breastfeed fully for the recommended first six months. However, some women find it difficult and last less time. Experts believe that children also benefit from shorter breastfeeding durations. Partial breastfeeding, a combination of giving purchased formula and breastfeeding, is also better than not breastfeeding at all.

Regardless of whether breastfeeding is practiced and for how long, the rule is always that the mother should feel good about it. Women who find breastfeeding or the physical dependence uncomfortable, or who are not allowed to breastfeed for health reasons, need not despair. Infant milk is subject to strict controls and contains all the vitamins, minerals and trace elements that are important for the healthy development of the child.

How long to breastfeed fully?

The recommendation until when women should breastfeed fully has changed several times over time. In addition, the health and life circumstances of both mother and child influence the decision to breastfeed. The question of how long one should breastfeed can therefore not be answered in a generalized way.

Breastfeeding recommendation of the WHO

As protection against later allergies, it seems to be sufficient if babies are fully breastfed for the first four months. Supplementary food from the beginning of the fifth month could even reduce the risk of allergies for these children.

Introduction of complementary foods

In general, complementary foods should be added to the baby’s diet from the 5th month at the earliest and from the beginning of the 7th month at the latest. The breastfeeding meals are then gradually replaced by age-appropriate solid foods. This is important, because otherwise the growing child is at risk of an undersupply and a nutrient deficiency with health problems. Up to the age of two or even longer, the child may continue to drink from the breast in between, which midwives expressly recommend.

Long-term breastfeeding

How long breastfeeding can be enjoyed by mother and child varies from person to person. Some mothers find it difficult to give up the closeness and intimacy they have come to love and want to leave it up to the child to decide how long it wants the breast. Sometimes such women breastfeed for several years and – if they have further offspring – even several children at the same time.

The sense and benefits of long-term breastfeeding are debated among experts. Some experts claim that it is good for mental development and promotes intelligence; others speculate that it is more for the mother’s benefit.

Breastfeeding – at some point it will end

Regardless of how long breastfeeding brings you and your child joy – at some point this phase will come to an end. Independence and learning new skills (such as eating solid food) are important for the child’s self-esteem and should therefore be encouraged. And if you find it difficult to end the intimate breastfeeding phase, remember: no matter how long breastfeeding has been practiced, love and attachment to your child continue!