Jaw Pain | Pain behind the ear

Jaw Pain

Pain in the bony or muscular structures of the jaw can also appear behind the ear.

De Quervain Thyroiditis

Pain behind the ear can also be an indication of a rare inflammatory disease of the thyroid gland. The cause is not yet fully understood, but there seems to be a certain genetic predisposition as well as an association with respiratory infections. Pressure on the thyroid gland typically causes pain behind the ears.

In addition, there are symptoms such as fever, fatigue, headache and pain in the thyroid gland. This rare form of thyroiditis usually heals spontaneously on its own. However, NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen) or high-dose glucocorticoids such as prednisolone can be given to relieve the symptoms. Since the pain behind the ear usually takes patients to an ENT or dentist, the diagnosis of such an inflammation of the thyroid gland is often only made after consulting several doctors.

Nerve pain

Behind the ears, many small and also bigger nerve branches run. In case of neuralgia, such as can occur after a zoster infection (shingles) (post-zoster neuralgia), nerve pain can also occur behind the ear. Neuralgia occurs, for example, after infections but also as a result of pressure and stretching of nerves, in the course of metabolic diseases such as diabetes mellitus and others.

These are pains in the supply area of peripheral nerves. Here too, the therapy is the cause. Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are used to relieve the symptoms.

Craniomandibular dysfunction

Craniomandibular dysfunction is the term used to describe a variety of dysregulations of the muscle and/or joint functions of the temporomandibular joints. These can have different causes. Clinical symptoms are, of course, primarily complaints when chewing, but also radiating pain in the face, head, neck and also behind the ears.

Tinnitus, earaches, dizziness and other symptoms can also occur. The therapy is extensive and includes drug therapy, psychotherapy, physiotherapy and other therapeutic approaches such as nerve stimulation. It is important to counteract the chronification of the pain, as a therapy is then very difficult. It is especially important to inform the patient comprehensively about the different therapy approaches in order to achieve a good cooperation.