Knee Contusion: Definition, Duration, Treatment

Brief overview

  • Course of disease and prognosis: A bruised knee usually heals without complications. The healing time of the injury depends on the severity of the bruise as well as possible concomitant injuries.
  • Treatment: Cooling the affected area is recommended as a first aid measure. If necessary, painkillers in the form of ointments or tablets are also used.
  • Causes and risk factors: A knee contusion occurs as a result of blunt trauma (for example, a fall or blow). A knee contusion often occurs during sports.
  • Symptoms: In addition to pain, a knee contusion is noticeable, for example, through limited mobility.
  • Diagnosis: In addition to a physical examination and medical history, the doctor may use imaging techniques to diagnose a knee contusion.
  • Prevention: If necessary, wearing protective clothing will prevent a knee contusion during sports.

What is a knee contusion?

How long does it take to heal?

A knee contusion is usually harmless and heals without complications. The duration of a knee contusion depends on the severity of the injury and possible accompanying injuries. How long the doctor writes a patient off sick after a knee contusion or how long he or she must refrain from sports also depends on the severity of the contusion and the possible accompanying injuries.

As a result of a knee contusion, acute bursitis may develop on the front of the kneecap (bursitis praepatellaris). Symptoms include pain and redness in the area of the kneecap, pressure pain, and pain when bending the knee joint.

The Hoffa fat body, located between the tibial plateau and the kneecap, also becomes inflamed or swollen, if necessary, as a result of a knee contusion. This results in pain when kneeling and bending the knee.

How can a bruise on the knee be treated?

However, whether home remedies really work against a bruised knee is usually not proven or at least not sufficiently studied.

Home remedies have their limits. If the symptoms persist over a longer period of time, do not improve or even get worse, you should always consult a doctor.

It is also advisable to take it easy on the injured knee and possibly immobilize it with a bandage. For example, it is possible to apply a diclofenac ointment bandage (diclofenac is a painkiller) or a cooling compression bandage (pressure bandage). The pressure from the outside counteracts swelling.

If necessary, the doctor will prescribe pain medication for the patient to take.

Knee contusion: symptoms

How does a knee contusion occur?

A knee contusion is the result of blunt trauma, such as a fall or blow to the knee. It is often a sports injury. But it is also possible to bruise your knee in everyday life, for example if you trip on the stairs and hit your knee against the edge of a step.

Knee contusion: examinations and diagnosis

If a knee contusion or other type of knee injury is suspected, the doctor will first talk to the patient to obtain his or her medical history (anamnesis). Possible questions to ask are:

  • How did the injury occur?
  • What are your symptoms?
  • Where exactly do you feel pain?
  • Can you move the knee joint without any problems?

This is followed by a physical examination. The doctor carefully palpates the injured knee and checks the mobility and stability of the joint. Injuries to ligaments or the kneecap can often be detected during this examination.

How can a knee contusion be prevented?

To prevent a knee contusion, it is recommended to wear suitable protective clothing during sports activities.