Lower jaw pain with swollen lymph nodes | Lower jaw pain

Lower jaw pain with swollen lymph nodes

The combination of symptoms consisting of lower jaw pain with swollen lymph nodes can have various causes. It can be a pure inflammation of the sinuses. Furthermore, there may be an inflammation of the temporomandibular joint, which radiates into the surrounding lymph nodes and the lower jaw. Swollen lymph nodes are not uncommon, even if you have a cold. They are located below the ear and the lower jaw, as well as in the neck area and can cause pain in the lower jaw.

Other causes

In addition, inflammation of the large facial nerves can lead to lower jaw pain. Particularly relevant in this context are the facial nerve (responsible, among other things, for the mimic muscles) and the large lower jaw nerve, the mandibular nerve (responsible for the masticatory muscles). Under certain circumstances, a so-called trigeminal neuralgia may be present, which is extremely painful and can plunge the affected patient into deep psychological problems. Angina pectoris can also lead to pain that radiates from the neck to the lower jaw.