Molds: Danger for Health

Molds occur worldwide, are adaptable and frugal. Most of their representatives are harmless, but some can cause infections and allergies. It is estimated that one in four allergy sufferers is sensitive to molds. Molds (filamentous fungi) feel at home wherever it is moist and warm. They feed on dead organic matter, such as that found in leaves and plant parts, house dust and the ground, but also in wallpaper, fabrics and even bricks. Mold infestation on building materials is usually quite difficult to eliminate permanently. Wallpaper, plaster and joints must be professionally cleaned.

How does mold develop?

Mold is known to grow in spoiled food, but its spores can also lurk in other places such as trash cans, flower pots, mattresses, air conditioners and vacuum cleaners. When they are carried from place to place with the air, they spread the mold and the culprit settles wherever there are suitable living conditions.

Most types of mold grow quickly at a relative humidity of 80% and a temperature above 20 degrees Celsius. Molds are particularly common in permanently damp corners, in bathrooms, on shower curtains, behind cupboards and next to windows. For the purpose of energy-saving measures, apartments are nowadays often built relatively “airtight”. Thus, there is often a relatively high humidity in an apartment. The resulting condensate creates the best conditions for the growth of mold.

Symptoms of mold infestation

Molds are thus mostly absorbed through the lungs by inhaling indoor air contaminated with pollutants, but also enter the body through food via the gastrointestinal tract. They therefore predominantly attack internal organs. They form liver-damaging and carcinogenic toxins (aflatoxins) and can trigger allergies. On their surface there are certain structures (enolase) which are responsible for the allergic reactions. Since a fungus can have numerous different enolases, detecting the triggers is often not easy.

Symptoms are varied and quite nonspecific, including:

  • Cough
  • Rhinitis
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Asthma
  • Skin lesions
  • Migraine
  • Gastrointestinal complaints
  • Joint complaints

Avoid mold in apartment

Some tricks help to prevent mold and thus possible consequences of disease:

  • A good ventilation of the apartment and a relative humidity of only 40 to 50%.
  • Allergy sufferers should pay particular attention to mold stains behind cabinets, tiles or wood paneling – and address them.
  • Filter bags of vacuum cleaners should be changed frequently.
  • No plants in the bedroom! Flower pots are an often underestimated source of exposure to mold.
  • Avoid long storage periods of food, keep fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator if possible.
  • Bread that has been stored for a long time, check thoroughly for mold before eating – especially in sultry weather.
  • In general, it is better to dispose of food that is infested with mold. It is not enough to remove infested areas generously, because even in more distant places already – not yet visible – mold may have spread.
  • Trash cans, especially bio garbage cans, are a favorite stomping ground of mold. Regular emptying and then a thorough cleaning provide a remedy.
  • On humidifiers and water evaporators rather do without or at least clean them regularly; also clean air conditioners at regular intervals.