Gynecomastia Surgery: Treatment and Course

How is gynecomastia treated?

In many cases, gynecomastia (enlargement of the mammary gland tissue on one or both sides of the breast) in men regresses on its own. Especially in the case of pubertal gynecomastia, this is usually the case before the age of 20. Then treatment is usually not necessary.

In contrast to true gynecomastia, pseudogynecomastia (lipomastia) causes fat to be deposited in the breast. In this case, consistent weight reduction and exercise help the fatty tissue to recede.

Before starting treatment for gynecomastia, a detailed medical examination is required so that the doctor can find the causes. If the gynecomastia is due to an underlying disease, this will be treated first. If hormonal reasons are responsible, those affected take appropriate medication to regulate hormone levels.

The costs for a reduction of the male breast depend on the severity and the treatment method and must be clarified with the treating physician. General statements on this are difficult and not very reliable.

The transition between cosmetic surgery and medically appropriate surgery is usually fluid, which makes reimbursement by health insurance more difficult in some cases. The attending physician, together with the surgeon, will submit a report of the findings to the health insurance company in order to clarify in advance whether the costs will be covered.

How does gynecomastia surgery proceed?

As a rule, the procedure lasts one to one and a half hours. Depending on the form of anesthesia, the patient arrives at the hospital the evening before the procedure and remains fasting before the operation even if local anesthesia is used.

Two weeks before the operation, patients should avoid taking blood-thinning medication. These may delay blood clotting and thus promote bleeding after the operation. These drugs include active ingredients such as acetylsalicylic acid, ibuprofen or diclofenac.

Usually, a plastic surgeon performs the gynecomastia surgery. It is usually done through a small incision in the yard of the nipple. New surgical techniques make it possible to avoid large scars in many cases. The specialist surgeon removes glandular tissue as well as fatty tissue during the gynecomastia surgery.


What is the aftercare of gynecomastia surgery?

After gynecomastia surgery, it is important to closely monitor the healing process of the surgical scar. Wound control is crucial to detect and treat inflammation or disturbed, excessive scarring in time.

The doctor prescribes supportive bandages or compression vests, which the patient wears for several weeks. During this time, it is important to refrain from physically strenuous activities, especially sports.

Improving the external appearance is an important goal of gynecomastia treatment. Before and after comparisons by photo document the success of a surgical intervention very well and make the improvement achieved clear to the patient. In this way, any renewed breast growth can also be detected at an early stage.