Pharyngeal Tonsil Enlargement (Adenoid Hyperplasia): Symptoms, Complaints, Signs

The following symptoms and complaints may indicate adenoid hyperplasia/pharyngeal tonsillar hyperplasia (adenoid enlargement):

Leading symptoms

  • Obstructed nasal breathing (nasal obstruction).
    • Nasal voice (“nasal voice”)
      • Rhinolalia aperta: nasal vocal sound resulting from a lack of or insufficient closure of the posterior outlet of the nasopharynx (nasopharynx) in the region of the palatal arches
      • Rhinophonia clausa: closed nasal.
    • Mouth breathing → xerostomia (dry mouth) → pharyngitis (pharyngitis), rhinitis (rhinitis).
    • Rhonchopathy (snoring)
  • Facies adenoideae (typical facial expression in children: open mouth/mouth breathing, tongue between teeth).

Associated symptoms

  • Persistent rhinitis (rhinitis)
  • Otitis media (inflammation of the middle ear) → tympanic effusion (synonym: seromucotympanum); accumulation of fluid in the middle ear (tympanum) → middle ear hearing loss; risk of delay in speech development!
  • Sinusitis (sinusitis).
  • Bronchitis (inflammation in the bronchi).
  • Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) – pauses in breathing during sleep caused by obstruction of the airways, often occurring several hundred times per night