Polyps: Complaints and Complications

If the polyp-like growths are very small and do not interfere with breathing, the person affected usually does not notice them at all. However, if the polyps become larger, they may greatly interfere with breathing through the nose because they severely constrict the nasal space. Some sufferers experience a sensation as if there is a foreign body in the nose.

Signs of polyps

Snoring and sleep disturbances can also be signs of nasal polyps, as breathing becomes difficult, especially when lying down. In addition, constantly recurring sinusitis, purulent rhinitis, and weakening or even complete loss of the sense of smell may occur.

In some people, nasal slurring of speech also indicates that polyps are present. Other symptoms may include headaches or chronic bronchitis. If the sinuses are affected, the patient may experience a feeling of pressure in the face, and especially around the eyes, above the upper cheeks and forehead.

Complications due to polyps

Nasal polyps often sit near the passages to the sinuses and can severely narrow them. This makes the sinuses less well ventilated and makes it difficult or impossible for secretions to drain. This can lead to sinusitis. Very rarely, the inflammation spreads to other bone and soft tissues, and in extreme cases even to the brain. In these cases, emergency hospital treatment is absolutely necessary.

Since breathing through the nose is only possible to a very limited extent due to the growths and the swollen mucous membrane, the affected person breathes increasingly through the mouth. In doing so, however, the filtering effect of the nasal mucosa is lost and bacteria or viruses can penetrate the body more easily – which in turn leads to increased respiratory infections.

Diagnosis of polyps

Diagnosis of nasal polyps is usually made by an ear, nose and throat specialist. After taking a thorough medical history, he or she first examines the anterior region of the nasal cavity with the aid of a so-called speculum. The speculum is a type of forceps that is inserted into the nose from the front in a closed position and opened slightly.

To view the middle section of the nasal cavity as well as the areas close to the throat, a physician uses endoscopy. Endoscopes are rigid or flexible, tubular instruments of various sizes that allow body cavities to be inspected. However, the doctor cannot see as far as the sinuses with an endoscope. For that, he must take an X-ray or a computed tomography (CT) scan. If the polyps are to be surgically removed, the CT will show the extent of the polyps beforehand.