Pulmonary Fibrosis: Test and Diagnosis

2nd-order laboratory parameters-depending on the results of the history, physical examination, and obligatory laboratory parameters-for differential diagnostic workup

  • Small blood count
  • Differential diagnosis
  • Inflammatory parameter – CRP (C-reactive protein)
  • Rheumatoid factor
  • Cyclic citrulline peptide antibodies (CCP-AK)
  • Antinuclear antibodies (ANA)
  • Blood gas analysis (BGA)
  • Histology (fine tissue examination), cytology (cell examination) of biopsies (tissue sampling) taken during bronchoscopy (lung endoscopy); the following biopsy procedures were newly included for suspected idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) [S2k guideline]:
    • Transbronchial lung cryobiopsy (TBLC: transbronchial lung cryo biopsy,).
    • Surgical lung biopsy (SLB: surgical lung biopsy) (downstream only in case of doubt).

    Note: Due to the risks associated with biopsy recovery for the patient, it should only be performed at experienced centers with appropriate technical requirements.[for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF): evidence of a UIP pattern: interstitial drawing proliferation with honeycomb formation and possibly traction bronchiectasis (dilated bronchi due to shrinkage of surrounding lung tissue) with subpleural and basal predominance]]