Ringworm (Erythema Infectiosum): Causes

Pathogenesis (disease development)

Parvovirus B19 is transmitted by droplet infection or contact with body fluids. After infection, high viremia develops (generalization phase of a cyclic viral infection associated with viral settlement, replication, and spread through the bloodstream), and symptoms begin as part of the body’s immune response. The virus mainly attacks the precursor cells of erythrocytes (red blood cells) in the bone marrow. Due to the cytotoxic effect of the virus, the infection leads to anemia (anemia).

Note: Parvovirus B19 can also be transmitted with breast milk. Complete inactivation of the virus by pasteurization is not possible.

Etiology (Causes)

Behavioral causes

  • Occupational contact with affected individuals
  • Family contact with affected persons
  • Non-sufficient hygiene