Sarcoidosis Prognosis

Sarcoidosis is a disease that either resolves on its own or can only be treated symptomatically. Regardless of the stage of sarcoidosis diagnosed, regular follow-up examinations are indicated, although their frequency and nature vary depending on therapy and severity. In stage I, semi-annual examinations are sufficient, otherwise they are indicated every three to six months. The eyes should be examined at least once a year, since involvement of the optic nerve in sarcoidosis can lead to blindness. After completion of sarcoidosis therapy, follow-up is usually done for three years – if no relapse occurs during this time, a cure is assumed. Follow-up should be more frequent the more intensive the drug therapy was.

Sarcoidosis: prognosis

Acute stage I and II sarcoidosis heals in most cases; even with a chronic course, sarcoidosis has a favorable prognosis overall. Only about one in 100 affected individuals must expect to die from complications such as lung failure. Even though the prognosis is generally better the younger the affected person and the more acute the form, the course of sarcoidosis can hardly be predicted in individual cases. Many sufferers experience this as a burden. Self-help groups can help to cope with the disease.

Since the causes of sarcoidosis are not known, it is also not known how it can be prevented. If diseases have run in the family, one should have regular medical examinations.