Stomachaches: Questions and Answers

It depends on the cause of the stomach pain: For indigestion or heartburn, antacids or proton pump inhibitors can help. In the case of gastritis, a change in diet and abstention from alcohol and smoking are necessary. Eating an easily digestible diet, drinking enough fluids and reducing stress can also help. In case of severe or persistent stomach pain, you should see a doctor to initiate appropriate treatment.

What should you eat if you have stomach pain?

Light foods such as bananas, rice, cooked vegetables, lean meats, toast and applesauce are well tolerated for stomach pain. Avoid spicy, greasy and sour foods because they irritate the stomach. Eat slowly and chew very thoroughly. Eat several small meals throughout the day to avoid overloading the stomach.

What painkillers for stomach pain?

What should you not eat when you have stomach pain?

Avoid hard-to-digest, greasy, flatulent or spicy foods when you have stomach pain. Alcohol, caffeine and carbonated drinks can also make the pain worse. You should also avoid foods such as chocolate, citrus fruits, or tomatoes that stimulate stomach acid production.

What medications for stomach pain?

Antacids such as aluminum or magnesium hydroxide neutralize excess stomach acid. Proton pump inhibitors such as omeprazole and H2 receptor blockers reduce stomach acid production and are suitable for more severe or persistent pain. In some cases, pain relievers such as acetaminophen also help. Contact your primary care provider if symptoms persist or worsen despite treatment.

What should you do if you have severe stomach pain?

What are the symptoms of stomach pain?

Burning or pressure in the upper abdomen, nausea, vomiting, flatulence, belching, heartburn, loss of appetite and weight loss are typical symptoms of stomach pain. They may also be accompanied by pain in the chest, neck or back.

What can be reasons for stomach pain?

Stomach pain can have different reasons. Triggers include stress, poor diet, gastritis, reflux disease (GERD), gallstones, pancreatitis, stomach ulcers or stomach cancer. Food intolerances and heart problems can also cause stomach pain.

What should you drink if you have stomach pain?

Where does one have stomach pain?

Stomach pain is mainly felt in the upper abdomen directly under the breastbone. It can radiate to the left side of the abdomen. In some cases, the pain spreads to the back.

What helps quickly against stomach pain?

For acute stomach pain, warm drinks such as chamomile or fennel tea and acid-binding agents (antacids) help. Physical rest and a hot water bottle on the stomach that is not too full also bring relief. Lying on your side with your knees slightly drawn up can also reduce discomfort.

Which doctor to see for stomach pain?

The first person to contact for severe or prolonged stomach pain is a general practitioner or internist. After a physical examination, you may be referred to a gastroenterologist, a specialist in gastrointestinal disorders.

How should you lie down if you have stomach pain?

What soothes the stomach with stomach pain?

Herbal teas with chamomile, peppermint or fennel soothe the stomach. Doctors recommend gentle foods for stomach pain, such as rusks, rice or bananas. Also, eat only small meals to avoid putting extra strain on your stomach. Avoid spicy, fatty and acidic foods, as well as alcohol and nicotine. In some cases, only medications will help; your health care provider will prescribe these.

What position relieves stomach pain?

In the fetal position, the pressure on the stomach is reduced: if you lie on the left side of your body and pull your knees slightly toward your chest, this position relieves stomach pain. An upright sitting position can also do good. Light physical exercise also helps to ease gastrointestinal passage.