Strawberries: Delicious Vitamin C Bombs

Strawberries are an important part of a healthy diet due to their high vitamin C content of 65 milligrams per 100 grams. With only 32 kilocalories per 100 grams, they provide the body with little energy and maintain the slim line. In addition, with ferulic and ellagic acid, they contain secondary plant compounds known for their cancer-preventing effects.

The ancestors of the strawberry

The ancestors of our cultivated large-fruited strawberries are the small, juicy and more aromatic wild strawberries. As early as 1714, the first large fleshy strawberries were created in France by crossing two forest berry varieties. Now there are more than 600 different varieties, which differ from each other in size, texture, color and taste.

Vitamins in strawberries

Strawberries are rich in vitamins – especially vitamin C is in large quantities in the sweet fruit. 100 grams of strawberries bring it up on average:

  • 8 micrograms of vitamin A
  • 54 micrograms vitamin B2
  • 0.3 milligrams of vitamin B3
  • 43 micrograms folic acid
  • 65 milligrams vitamin C
  • 0.1 milligrams vitamin E
  • 13 micrograms of vitamin K

Firm, shiny and bright red

Since strawberries can be heavily contaminated with pesticides, depending on the country of origin, it is advisable to give preference to domestic products, preferably organic.

When purchased, strawberries should be firm and shiny and look fresh and bright red. Strawberries spoil quickly and therefore keep for a maximum of two to three days in the refrigerator. Cleaning whole strawberries should be done briefly under cold running water, as the fruit absorbs water quickly. To prevent the strawberries from losing juice, it is advisable to remove the stalks only after cleaning.

Botanically not a fruit

Strawberries are suitable not only for pure enjoyment, but also as a tasty ingredient for a variety of dishes such as fruit salad, sorbet or milkshake. Botanically, the flesh of the strawberry is not a fruit but a thickened flower axis of the strawberry plant, but this does not detract from the taste. The actual fruits of the strawberry are the small yellowish seeds that sit on the surface.

A healthy recipe

Buttermilk is low in calories (35.9 kilocalories per 100 milliliters) and contains no more than one percent fat. 200 milliliters provide ¼ of an adult’s daily requirement of calcium. Try a strawberry buttermilk shake! Simply wash and chop 150 grams of strawberries, add 200 milliliters of buttermilk and puree, then just add vanilla sugar and sugar or sweetener to taste.