Stylopharyngeus Muscle: Structure, Function & Diseases

The stylopharyngeus muscle is a muscle located in the region of the pharynx in humans. It is long and narrow. Its function is to assist in the swallowing process.

What is the stylopharyngeus muscle?

The stylopharyngeus muscle translates as the stylopharyngeal muscle. This is due to its shape and position in the human organism. The stylopharyngeus muscle is a long and narrow muscle that belongs to the pharyngeal muscles in humans. Muscles of the pharyngeal musculature belong to skeletal muscles. They are located between the oral cavity and the pharynx. The pharynx is called the pharynx. It is a 12-15 cm long pathway that extends from the base of the skull to the trachea. This is the breathing as well as eating pathway between the oral cavity and the larynx. The trachea has the shape of a tube. It connects the larynx, which is called the larynx, to the bronchi. The trachea is part of the respiratory tract in humans. The course of the stylopharyngeus muscle can be described as vertical or caudal. Its function is to support the act of swallowing. In addition, it dilates the pharynx. The stylopharyngeus muscle is supplied by the IXth cranial nerve. This is the glossopharyngeal nerve. Translated, its name is tongue pharyngeal nerve.

Anatomy and structure

The stylopharyngeus muscle is a long, narrow, and round muscle. Its course is nearly vertical in the pharynx. In a cross-section, its path can be seen very well. Its beginning is at the temporal bone. This is called the os temporale. At the temporal bone there is the styloid process. This is a bony process. Its shape is elongated and handle-shaped. On its medial side, the stylopharyngeus muscle begins. Its path runs between the superior constrictor pharyngis muscle and the medius constrictor pharyngis muscle. Both are also muscles of the pharyngeal musculature. The stylopharyngeus muscle passes vertically along the pharynx. Most of the muscle fibers of the stylopharyngeus muscle pass into other muscles below the pharyngeal mucosa. They include, for example, the palatopharyngeus muscle. Some of the remaining fibers of the stylopharyngeus muscle end at the larynx. There, different cartilages are located in four layers. The thyroid cartilage, the cartildo thyroidea, forms the second layer and the end of the stylopharyngeus muscle. The stylopharyngeus muscle is supplied by the IXth cranial nerve, the glossopharngeal nerve.

Function and tasks

The stylopharyngeus muscle, in interaction with other muscles, is responsible for the functional activity of the pharynx. In the act of swallowing, it cooperates with the salpingopharyngeus and palatopharyngeus muscles. Together, they all lift the pharynx. The salpingopharyngeus muscle is called the tubopharyngeal muscle. It raises the pharynx as well as the larynx. In addition, it has an important role in closing the trachea during swallowing. It tenses the plica salpingopharyngea. This is a mucosal bulge on the pharyngeal wall. Through this process, the epiglottis closes the trachea and prevents liquids or food from entering the windpipe. The palatopharyngeus muscle is called the palatopharyngeal muscle. It causes the base of the tongue to be raised. In addition, it is responsible for closing the oropharynx and lowering the palate during the act of swallowing. The oral pharynx is called the isthmus faucium. All three muscles have different tasks during the swallowing act and yet work together. This gives a little insight into the complexity of the swallowing process in humans. This serves to transport food, liquids and the saliva produced from the oral cavity into the esophagus and from there to the stomach. It is important that none of the ingested substances enter the respiratory tract during the entire process. The act of swallowing is the preparation of a voluntary process. This means that the stylopharyngeus muscle is subject to voluntary control. This is true until the swallowing reflex sets in. This occurs by irritation at the base of the tongue. The swallowing reflex is involuntary, but is brought about by voluntary preparation.


Diseases affecting the pharyngeal area may have an impact on the functional activity of the stylopharyngeus muscle. Diseases of the pharynx include pharyngitis, the formation of carcinomas in the mouth and throat, fever a paralysis of swallowing or spasm.The formation of a spasm in the throat is called pharyngismus. Paralysis of swallowing occurs when the IXth cranial nerve, the glossopharyngeal nerve has a paralysis. Inflammation of the pharynx may cause simple discomfort during swallowing. In severe cases, a purulent infectious inflammation occurs, severely affecting the swallowing process. Side effects of sleep apnea include spontaneous slackening of the entire muscles of the throat. In sleep apnea, there are disturbances in breathing during sleep. For a few or several seconds, the patient stops breathing. Once inflammation of the IX cranial nerve occurs, problems with supply to the stylopharyngeus muscle follow. Nerve inflammation can have various causes and is referred to as neuralgia. If the muscle is not sufficiently innervated by the nerve, it partially or even completely loses its ability to function. A disease that occurs in childhood is diphtheria, which is notifiable. This is both a contagious and acute infectious disease. The infected areas include the upper respiratory tract. The disease affects the act of swallowing. In addition, the pathogens of the disease release a toxin that can lead to life-threatening consequences.