Losing weight through sport | Tips on how to lose weight best

Losing weight through sport

Sport is not a must to lose weight, but it can bring some advantages. Because sport and sufficient exercise in everyday life increases the body’s energy turnover, i.e. the calories it consumes during the day. Thus one can achieve or increase a deficit from calorie admission and consumption.

When choosing a sport, it is important that you find the right one for you personally. If you are very overweight, you must discuss with your doctor which type of sport is safe for your joints. This includes swimming, for example.

Other endurance sports such as running, jogging and cycling can also support weight loss. An additional advantage is strength training, i.e. the targeted strengthening of muscles: It burns calories and at the same time stimulates the muscles. This prevents muscle loss due to calorie deficiency. In addition, muscles burn a considerable amount of energy even when at rest and the overall body turnover is increased. Anyone who wants to lose weight in the long term and wants to have a slim, toned and well-formed body should not do without sport.

Losing weight through a change of diet

If you want to lose weight, there is no getting around a change in diet. After all, being overweight results from the fact that you have supplied energy in the form of food over and above the body’s actual energy consumption, which the body then stores in the form of fat for “bad” times. In order to make a change in diet successful and in the long run, you should find a diet that suits you.

To forbid oneself things, which one likes gladly, as for example chocolate or Pizza can go then to the back loosely and one suffers from hot hunger attacks, in which one eats everything, which one can find. An important step towards a change in diet can be to become aware of your own eating habits. In addition one should lead an eating diary for some days and write down everything which one takes to itself.

Here one discovers often already small set screws, at which one can turn.For example, is there a lot of snacking on the side? When thirsty, do you reach for juices or soft drinks instead of water? Do you eat in front of the TV in the evening without consciously enjoying your food?

Even small changes in daily eating habits can lead to weight loss in the long term. Ultimately, the decisive factor is how high the energy content of the food you eat is. Whoever wants to lose weight healthily and in the long term can hardly avoid a change in diet.

One does not have to change however its complete life-style then so long one under its daily consumption remains can one its available calorie budget fill up, with which one would like. However, you will quickly find out that some foods, such as vegetables or healthy proteins, are more likely to satiate than the same amount of carbohydrates or fats. A particularly well suited diet, in which one tries to eat like people in the Stone Age and abstains from industrially produced food and dairy products, is the Paleo diet.

This way you can lose weight in the long term without starving, thanks to a healthy diet. The KFZ Di?t follows the idea of separation food parliamentary allowance parliamentary allowance. The principle lies here with a separation of fat-rich and carbohydrate-rich meals.

Accordingly, carbohydrates are to be taken in the morning and at noon, in the evening the focus is then on protein-rich foods. A very precise control of what one eats during the day can give calorie counting. There are a number of apps for cell phones and books that make it easier to note down what you eat.

It takes little time and you can see relatively quickly which foods are richer than others. It is important to be as accurate as possible when counting calories. A kitchen scale is almost indispensable in order not to misjudge the weight of the food.