Summary | Coughing at the baby


Coughing in toddlers and babies is a common symptom and is harmless in most cases. As in adults, coughing in babies serves as a protective reflex that clears the airways of foreign bodies (e.g. leftover food) or secretions.Since babies in particular still have a very weakly developed immune system, they suffer more frequently from viral or bacterial diseases, which mainly affect the airways. The pathogens cause increased secretion in the respiratory tract, which leads to irritation of the bronchial tubes, which in turn causes a cough.

Since bacteria and viruses in particular can collect and multiply well in the tough secretion, it is important to cough up and transport the pathogens out. The cough is not a disease, so to speak, but rather an attempt by the body to rid itself of annoying pathogens. However, since coughing leads to interrupted sleep and thus to a lack of strength, babies can be given household remedies, especially at night, which have an antitussive effect, i.e. they relieve cough irritation.

In the case of prolonged coughing, fever, shortness of breath or bloody sputum, it is important to consult a pediatrician immediately. These can indicate serious illnesses that require medication, perhaps antibiotic therapy.