Heat Therapy as Physiotherapy

Heat therapy is a generic term for various applications in physiotherapy and physical therapy as well as balneotherapy. In general, heat therapy comprises all therapy methods in which heat is applied to the skin in various forms for mostly 20-40 minutes in order to achieve a blood circulation-promoting, metabolism-stimulating and muscle-relaxing effect. Fields of application … Heat Therapy as Physiotherapy

Fangocur | Heat Therapy as Physiotherapy

Fangocur Fangocur is a company based in Gossendorf, Styria, Austria, which manufactures and sells various medical products made from the volcanic Gossendorf healing clay. These include mineral creams and masks, fango packs for home use and healing clay for oral administration. Fangocur Bentomed is dissolved as a powder in water and is said to have … Fangocur | Heat Therapy as Physiotherapy

Experience | Unhappy Triad – Therapy

Experience Since knee operations are relatively common, especially for athletes, the operation and aftercare usually goes well. If loading is applied too early and insufficient care is taken, deficiencies in healing and knee stability may occur. However, sparing does not mean complete immobilization – those who do not actively participate in the therapy run the … Experience | Unhappy Triad – Therapy

Recovery without surgery (conservative) | Unhappy Triad – Therapy

Recovery without surgery (conservative) Even without surgery, for the regeneration of an Unhappy Triad, forearm crutches are first prescribed to relieve the structures when walking. An orthosis is also fitted to support the joints so that the structures have a chance to grow back together. Aftercare and exercises are usually the same as after an … Recovery without surgery (conservative) | Unhappy Triad – Therapy

Therapy of a bursitis of the elbow | Effective exercises for bursitis of the elbow

Therapy of a bursitis of the elbow In therapy, it is especially important to find the causes of bursitis and to treat them specifically. In most cases there is an overstrain of the forearm musculature, which has been caused by one-sided movements. The area where the extensor muscles of the hand are located is particularly … Therapy of a bursitis of the elbow | Effective exercises for bursitis of the elbow

Sports for bursitis of the elbow | Effective exercises for bursitis of the elbow

Sports for bursitis of the elbow Sport in case of bursitis in the elbow depends on the type of sport. Training for the trunk and legs without arm involvement is possible without hesitation. Setback sports such as tennis, badminton or squash should be avoided, as any strain can worsen the symptoms. Training should only be … Sports for bursitis of the elbow | Effective exercises for bursitis of the elbow

Exercises for Piriformis Syndrome

In order to get the pain under control and to release the tension of the piriformis muscle as well as to eliminate it in the long run, there are numerous stretching, strengthening and mobilization exercises. These exercises are usually relatively simple and can be performed by the patient at home after initial instruction. In order … Exercises for Piriformis Syndrome