Superficial Phlebitis (Thrombophlebitis): Symptoms, Complaints, Signs

The following symptoms and complaints may indicate thrombophlebitis (superficial phlebitis):

Leading symptoms

  • Signs of inflammation (erythema/redness and pain* ).
  • Swelling
  • Hardening
  • Pressure-sensitive strand in the vein course

* Painfulness of a superficial vein segment.


  • Patients may also complain of long-lasting “muscle soreness”.
  • Superficial venous thrombosis is nowadays added to the spectrum of venous thromboembolism. The clinical picture usually does not show the actual extent of the disease and therefore the risk of complications.

Concomitant symptom

  • Fever, if applicable

Other notes

  • Check all venous accesses in patients with unclear fever!
  • After the acute stage subsides, hyperpigmentation appears and to palpate are coarse, sometimes nodular strands are in the course of the vein.
  • Penile thrombophlebitis (penile Mondor’s disease): occasionally leads to painful erections in men.The disease is usually self-limiting (“ending without external influences”); supportive anticoagulants (blood thinners; topical heparin) are suitable. If there is a pronounced thrombosis (complete or partial occlusion of a vessel), a thrombectomy (surgical removal of the thrombus / blood clot) should be considered.