The 10 Biggest Dental Care Myths

To keep our teeth healthy, they should be carefully cleaned with a toothbrush and toothpaste at least twice a day. The daily use of dental floss is also recommended to remove food debris from the interdental spaces. In addition to toothbrushes and the like, there are many other tips for healthy teeth. But be careful: not everything that is said about dental care is actually true. We clear up with the 10 biggest dental care myths.

1) Firmly scrub brings the most.

False. Although it is important to clean the teeth thoroughly, firm scrubbing is not necessary for this. After all, if you press down too hard with your toothbrush, you’re putting a strain on your teeth and gums. The pressure can cause the gums to retract, resulting in exposed tooth necks. In addition, the protective tooth enamel can be damaged. That’s why you should make sure to apply only light pressure when brushing.

2) Bad teeth are hereditary

False. Bad teeth are not hereditary – just because your parents had bad teeth doesn’t mean you’ll have problems with them yourself. Some factors are indeed genetic, such as the thickness of the enamel or the position of the teeth. In general, though, a clean tooth doesn’t get cavities – and keeping your teeth clean is entirely your responsibility.

3) Black tea damages the teeth.

False. It is true that some types of tea – including black tea – cause teeth to become discolored – however, this discoloration can be polished away without any problems. Black tea does not damage tooth enamel, only some very acidic fruit teas can cause damage if consumed frequently. Black tea, on the contrary, can even have a positive effect on the teeth, as it contains fluoride, which is supposed to harden the enamel.

4) Chewing gum replaces brushing teeth.

False. Chewing gum in no way replaces the care of the teeth with a toothbrush and dental floss. Rather, chewing should be considered an additional care measure – provided it is sugar-free chewing gum. Special dental care chewing gums with xylitol or similar substances are particularly recommended. The chewing gum stimulates saliva production, which neutralizes harmful acids and hardens the tooth enamel. However, to remove the plaque sitting on the teeth, careful brushing is mandatory.

5) Eating apples prevents tooth decay

False. The rumor that eating foods with a hard consistency, such as apples or carrots, can prevent tooth decay persists. In fact, eating such foods will wear away the top plaque on the teeth. However, toothbrush and dental floss are indispensable to remove the stuck plaque and to clean the interdental spaces. However, there is nothing to stop you from snacking on an apple or carrot in between. With apples, however, you should note that they are rich in fructose and the acid they contain can attack tooth enamel.

6) Milk teeth do not need to be cared for.

False. The opinion that milk teeth may quietly have caries, since they fall out again anyway, is widespread. However, milk teeth must also be carefully cared for. This is because caries on the milk teeth can damage the crown of the permanent teeth. Moreover, if decay causes premature loss of the baby tooth, the permanent tooth may break through the gum in a poor position, making orthodontic corrections necessary later.

7) Brushing teeth immediately after eating is important.

False. While it is best to brush your teeth promptly after eating, it is just not right after. This is especially true if you have eaten fruit for dessert. This is because the acidity of fruits and fruit juices softens the enamel and can attack it when you brush your teeth. In addition to fruit, drinks such as wine or cola can also soften tooth enamel. Therefore, wait at least 30 minutes after eating before brushing your teeth. That’s about how long saliva needs to neutralize the acid in your mouth.

8) All whitening toothpastes are harmful.

False. With whitening toothpastes, it always depends on the particular product. Many of the pastes contain aggressive abrasives that can attack the enamel and thus damage the tooth. You should better keep your hands off such products.However, some creams are also relatively mild and contain only few abrasive substances. If in doubt, ask your dentist whether the particular paste poses a risk to your teeth. Alternatively, if you want whiter teeth, you can think about having your teeth whitened. But again, you should consult with your dentist about this.

9) Brushing your teeth for one minute is enough

Wrong. Instead of one minute, you should invest at least three minutes in your dental care both in the morning and in the evening. That’s about how long it takes to remove all plaque from the surfaces of your teeth while brushing. In addition, the substances contained in the toothpaste, such as fluoride, must act on the teeth for a certain amount of time. Especially in the evening it is important to take time to brush your teeth, because the teeth can regenerate best overnight.

10) Smoking discolors the teeth only superficially.

Wrong. If you smoke regularly, you must expect that your teeth will turn yellowish over time. Superficial discoloration can be polished away, but deeper discoloration remains. Smoking also worsens the supply of blood and oxygen to the gums. This can lead to painful gingivitis and, in the worst case, even periodontitis and tooth loss.