Therapy | Burning-Feet-Sydrome


The treatment of the Burning-Feet-Syndrome depends on the underlying cause. In most cases, the most effective method for immediate pain relief is the application of cold in the form of Cool Packs. The most common cause of Burning-Feet Syndrome is a lack of vitamin B5.

This can be compensated by taking vitamin tablets regularly. Other minerals may also be reduced and can be compensated by taking tablets and a balanced diet. In the case of severe pain, other treatment methods may be considered depending on the severity and type of symptoms.

These include, for example, antispasmodic drugs, also known as anticonvulsants, such as carbamazepine or gabapentin. Likewise, targeted acupuncture of pressure points, also called trigger points, can loosen the cramps and loosen the tissue surrounding the nerves. Furthermore, in advanced stages, a local anaesthetic, i.e. a local anaesthetic, can be given by injection to temporarily relieve the affected area from pain.

Duration of a Burning Feet Syndrome

As a rule, it is not possible to make a precise statement about the duration of a burning feet syndrome, as this depends on the underlying cause and the severity of the symptoms. If a Burning-Feet-Syndrome is detected early, it can sometimes still be treated sufficiently to achieve a cure. In this case the duration can be a few months. In most cases, however, the Burning-Feet-Syndrome is detected late, which is why the duration is usually very long. Depending on the severity of the condition, the therapy then consists of pain relief rather than freedom from pain.


The prognosis of a Burning Feet Syndrome depends strongly on the time of diagnosis. Unfortunately, the syndrome is usually diagnosed late, which means that the disease of the nerves is already advanced and a complete cure is no longer possible. This is because the symptoms of the Burning-Feet-Syndrome only appear when the nerves are already damaged. Therefore, the treatment focuses on trying to prevent the nerve damage from progressing.