These symptoms indicate an inflammation of the bursa at the heel | Bursitis of the heel

These symptoms indicate an inflammation of the bursa at the heel

Primarily an inflammation of the bursa at the heel is characterized by pain at the heel. This usually occurs during exercise, especially during sports. But the inflamed bursa can also become noticeable when walking.

Anyone who has suffered a trauma to the heel and then suffers from bursitis as a result, often has pain even at rest and without strain. The swelling of the bursa causes a visible swelling of the heel, and a feeling of pressure on the skin above the bursa. If the inflammation is particularly severe, redness and overheating of the skin can also be noticed.

The pain of a bursitis at the heel occurs mainly under stress, but can also be felt at rest. The inflammation causes the bursa to thicken, which leads to pressure on the surrounding tissue and thus causes pain. The inflammation releases chemical substances that are supposed to induce defence cells.These substances, the so-called inflammation mediators, can irritate the pain-conducting nerve fibers and thus also trigger pain.

Therapeutically, cooling the heel usually counteracts the pain. Ointments and painkillers can also be taken temporarily. The swelling of the bursa and surrounding tissue in bursitis is usually caused by the inflammatory reaction.

The inflammation releases chemical substances that activate the body’s defence reaction. As a result, defence cells are called to the site of the event, and at the same time more fluid is released into the tissue. This accumulation of fluid becomes noticeable as swelling. Especially at the heel there is not much cushioning tissue, which is why even a small additional amount of fluid is noticeable.


The diagnosis of bursitis is primarily based on a physical examination of the heel and the questioning of the affected person by the doctor (anamnesis). In the anamnesis, the doctor can ask about the type of pain and other complaints, and the causes of the symptoms are also examined. During the examination, the heel is mainly examined for signs of inflammation (redness, swelling, overheating, pain).

In order to reliably diagnose the bursitis, an ultrasound is usually sufficient afterwards. This allows fluid-filled tissue such as the bursa to be clearly visualized. Therefore, an inflammation of the bursa is quickly noticed during the examination.