Thyroid Diagnostics: Iodine in Urine

Iodine is a trace element that the human body requires primarily for the synthesis of thyroid hormones.Furthermore, iodine can also be used therapeutically in the context of thyroid dysfunction (euthyroid goiter) or as a disinfectant.

The procedure

Material needed

  • Spontaneous urine

Preparation of the patient

  • Not necessary

Disruptive factors

  • Not known

Normal value

Normal values in μg/g creatinine 150-250


Measured value in μg/g creatinine Assessment
50-100 Mild iodine deficiency
10-50 Moderate iodine deficiency
< 10 Severe iodine deficiency
> 1000 Iodine contamination


  • Suspected iodine deficiency
  • Suspicion of iodine contamination and hyperthyroidism (hyperthyroidism) triggered by it.


Interpretation of increased values

  • Iodine contamination

Interpretation of lowered values

  • Iodine deficiency

Other indications

  • The iodine determination can not give binding statements about the individual iodine stock. Therefore, iodine determination is usually performed only in the context of epidemiological studies.