Sweat Odor: Causes, Treatment & Help

Every person sweats out fluid, which is a completely natural process. The sweat glands are responsible for the removal of sweat, which in combination with fatty acids and amino acids creates unpleasant sweat odor. What is sweat odor? Thus, sweat odor is not caused by the evaporation of excess fluid, but actually occurs outside the … Sweat Odor: Causes, Treatment & Help

Body Odor: Causes, Treatment & Help

Body odor means unpleasant smelling or even smelly body parts or evaporations of the complete body. The causes are as varied as the treatment options. Body odor can also be prevented. What is body odor? As body odor, we mostly refer to unpleasant-smelling evaporations of the body. It occurs in various forms such as sweat … Body Odor: Causes, Treatment & Help

Hyperhidrosis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Hyperhidrosis, colloquially known as excessive sweating, is characterized by excessive sweating that affects the hands, feet, and armpits. It can affect the entire body surface as a concomitant of other diseases. Hyperhidrosis is relatively harmless physically, but has a strong psychological impact on patients. What is hyperhidrosis? As yet unexplained, hyperhidrosis is caused by pathologically … Hyperhidrosis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment