
What is Brivudin? Brivudine is the active ingredient in drugs used to treat specific diseases caused by herpes viruses. It is a nucleoside analogue and is much more effective than similar antiviral drugs. Nucleoside analogues have a structural similarity with the building blocks of DNA. If a nucleoside analogue is inserted instead of the actual … Brivudin

How does Brivudin work? | Brivudin

How does Brivudin work? Brivudine is a so-called nucleoside analogue. Nucleosides belong to the building blocks of the DNA of our cells. If brivudine is used instead of a normal nucleoside in the DNA structure, the further re-synthesis of the genetic information stops. The effect of brivudine is therefore that it interferes with the reproduction … How does Brivudin work? | Brivudin

Dosage | Brivudin

Dosage The dosage of Brivudine is quite simple. One pack contains seven tablets of 125 mg active ingredient each and the treatment period is set at one week. Treatment is started as early as possible, regardless of the time of day or food intake, by taking the first tablet. This is taken unchewed with a … Dosage | Brivudin


Introduction – What is Zostex®? Zostex® is a drug that inhibits the replication of viruses. It is therefore used for antiviral therapy for shingles. The tablets contain the active ingredient Brivudine. It is important that it is never used in combination with drugs containing 5-fluoropyrimidines or 5-fluorouracil. This would lead to life-threatening interactions. When is … Zostex®