Dosage | Brivudin


The dosage of Brivudine is quite simple. One pack contains seven tablets of 125 mg active ingredient each and the treatment period is set at one week. Treatment is started as early as possible, regardless of the time of day or food intake, by taking the first tablet.

This is taken unchewed with a glass of water. From then on, one tablet is taken every day at about the same time of day. The seven-day treatment cycle should be completed in any case. This also applies if the symptoms subside earlier or even disappear completely. If a dosage deviating from the usual dosage described here is required, the prescribing doctor will point this out.


The price of a pack of Brivudine, which contains seven tablets and is thus designed for one treatment cycle, is about 100 euros. The statutory health insurance usually covers a large part of the costs. Usually a co-payment of about ten euros is required. The price of the drug is usually not cheaper in online pharmacies and there are usually shipping costs added, so it is recommended that the prescription be redeemed in a local pharmacy.