Associated symptoms | Pus in the navel

Associated symptoms Since pus in or from the navel is due to an inflammation caused by bacteria, the typical accompanying symptoms of an inflammatory reaction can occur. In addition to redness, pain and overheating of the navel, swelling can occur. Itching at and around the navel is also possible. More rarely, but still possible, are … Associated symptoms | Pus in the navel

Diagnosis | Pus in the navel

Diagnosis In order to make a diagnosis of pus in or from the navel, a physical examination and medical consultation are usually sufficient. The development of pus already suggests an inflammation caused by bacteria. To make a diagnosis, the doctor must also identify the most likely cause of the bacterial inflammation. This is then usually … Diagnosis | Pus in the navel

Pus in the navel

Definition If pus is in or leaks from the navel, it is an inflammation caused by bacteria. This can have different causes depending on age and can be accompanied by different symptoms. In any case, the cause should be investigated and appropriate treatment should be given. If you are experiencing pustule at the navel for … Pus in the navel