
Definition Accumulation refers to the accumulation of an active pharmaceutical ingredient in the organism during regular drug administration. The term comes from the Latin (to accumulate). It occurs when there is an imbalance between the intake and elimination of the active ingredient. If the dosing interval is too short, too much drug is administered. If … Cumulation


Introduction Elimination is a pharmacokinetic process that describes the irreversible removal of active pharmaceutical ingredients from the body. It is composed of biotransformation (metabolism) and excretion (elimination). The most important organs for excretion are the kidney and the liver. However, drugs can also be excreted through the respiratory tract, hair, saliva, milk, tears, and sweat. … Elimination

Dosage Interval

Definition and discussion Dosing interval (symbol: τ, tau) is the time interval between the administration of individual doses of a drug. For example, if 1 tablet is administered at 8 AM and 1 tablet is administered at 8 PM, the dosing interval is 12 hours. The typical dosing interval is several hours or one day. … Dosage Interval