Shoulder Girdle

Synonyms Shoulder, acromioclavicular joint, AC – joint, sternum, clavicle, acromion, coracoid, acromion, coracoid, sternoclavicular joint, ACG, clavicle fracture, clavicle fracture, acromioclavicular dislocation Anatomy of the shoulder girdle In the shoulder girdle, a distinction is made between the sternoclavicular joint (sternoclavicular joint) and the acromioclavicular joint (acromioclavicular joint = AC joint = ACG) on both sides. … Shoulder Girdle


Synonyms Clavicle, acromioclavicular joint, acromion, sternoclavicular joint, ACG, clavicle fracture, clavicula fracture, shoulder girdle Medical: Clavicle Humeral head (humerus) Shoulder height (Acromion) Shoulder corner joint Collarbone (Clavicle) Coracoid Shoulder joint (glenohumeral joint) Function The collarbone has an important function in the context of shoulder joint mobility. Especially when lifting the arm sideways beyond the horizontal, … Collarbone