Swelling of the collarbone – What could be behind it? | Collarbone

Swelling of the collarbone – What could be behind it?

In addition to injuries to the bone and joints caused by falls or accidents, other causes can also be the reason for swelling of the collarbone. One of these causes is swollen lymph nodes. These lie along the upper edge of the bone and are normally not palpable.

However, they can swell and become palpable during an inflammation. If they are of a soft consistency, not painful under pressure, and can be easily moved against their surroundings, there is probably an acute inflammation in the surroundings. Hard, non-displaceable lymph nodes, on the other hand, can be an indication of a chronic cause and should be further clarified by a doctor. Other reasons for swelling, especially above the joints, can be rheumatoid, i.e. chronically inflammatory, or changes due to wear and tear in the joints. However, these are usually accompanied by pain and restricted movement.

Tattoo in the collarbone area – How painful is it?

Pain is very subjective and is felt differently by each person. Therefore, it is difficult to make sweeping statements about how painful, for example, a tattoo on the collarbone is. In general, however, it can be said that places where the skin is thin and the bones are very superficial, such as the collarbone, are much more sensitive to pain than places of the body where the subcutaneous fat tissue is very pronounced.

This is due to the fact that the outermost layer of the bone is supplied with many pain-conducting nerve endings, whereas the fatty tissue, for example, has no pain fibers. So if the periosteum is irritated by the needle when piercing the tattoo, this usually causes more pain than if only the skin and the underlying fatty tissue are hit.