Symptoms of esophageal narrowing | Esophageal narrowing

Symptoms of esophageal narrowing The symptoms of a narrowing of the esophagus are mainly determined by the restricted transport of food into the stomach. Those affected typically find it more difficult to swallow food (dysphagia), as the body tries to overcome the increased pressure caused by the narrowing in the esophagus by swallowing more forcefully. … Symptoms of esophageal narrowing | Esophageal narrowing

Belching: Causes, Treatment & Help

Burping or colloquially also burping (Röbsen, Röpsen, Burpsen, Rölbsen, lat. Ructus, engl. eructation) refers to the bringing up of air from the digestive tract or the respiratory organs. The main source of burping is the esophagus and the stomach. The air then finally escapes through the mouth and is usually accompanied by a noise with … Belching: Causes, Treatment & Help

Achalasia therapy

Therapy of achalasia 1. drug therapy of achalasia: drugs are helpful especially at the beginning of an achalasia disease. The long-term results are rather disappointing. In the case of achalasia, drugs are used to reduce the tension (muscle tone) of the smooth muscles (the muscles of the oesophageal sphincter). The available preparations, such as calcium … Achalasia therapy

Achalasia surgery

Achalasia (“non-ass flaccidity”) is a functional disorder of the oesophagus, which manifests itself through difficulty swallowing, choking, burping and/or chest pain and is very restrictive for those affected in their daily lives. If conservative treatment approaches are not able to improve the achalasia sufficiently, surgery can be resorted to. In this procedure, the muscles of … Achalasia surgery


Synonyms Esophageal spasm, cardiac spasm, cardiac spasm, narrowing of the esophagus English:achalasia Definition Achalasia Achalasia is a rare disease which is based on a neuromuscular dysfunction (i.e. a disturbance in the interaction of muscles and nerves) of the oesophagus. The main symptom is the lack of relaxation of the lower oesophageal sphincter (lower esophageal sphincter), … Achalasia

Complications | Achalasia

Complications A very dangerous complication of achalasia is the inhalation of food residues (aspiration). Patients are particularly at risk at night when the reflexes and thus the gag reflex are weakened. If the inhaled food (aspirate) reaches the lower airways, a life-threatening pneumonia (aspiration pneumonia) can occur. The delayed passage of the food can lead … Complications | Achalasia