Gout Causes and Treatment

Symptoms Gout is an inflammatory disease of the joints that manifests acutely in attacks of severe pain that worsens with pressure, touch, and movement. The joints are swollen with inflammation, and the skin is red and warm. Fever is observed. Gout often begins in the lower extremities and at the metatarsophalangeal joint (podagra). Urat crystals … Gout Causes and Treatment

Allosteric Inhibition (Non-Competitive Inhibition): Function, Role & Diseases

In allosteric inhibition, or noncompetitive inhibition, inhibitors bind to the allosteric center of an enzyme, thereby reducing its activity. The binding results in a conformational change that partially or completely blocks the function of the enzyme. Allosteric inhibition is being considered for the treatment of cancer. What is allosteric inhibition? In allosteric inhibition, inhibitors bind … Allosteric Inhibition (Non-Competitive Inhibition): Function, Role & Diseases

Furosemide: Effects, Uses & Risks

Furosemide is the name given to a loop diuretic. The drug has a diuretic effect and is used for edema or high blood pressure. What is furosemide? The active ingredient furosemide belongs to the drug group of loop diuretics. These have the property of excreting larger amounts of tissue fluid from the body, which is … Furosemide: Effects, Uses & Risks