Duration of pneumonia | Pneumonia without cough

Duration of pneumonia Pneumonia – both typical and atypical with no classic symptoms such as cough and fever – usually subsides within a week with proper antibiotic therapy. After two to three weeks at the latest, any symptoms of pneumonia should have completely disappeared. Beyond this time, it can sometimes happen that a somewhat longer … Duration of pneumonia | Pneumonia without cough

Breathing Stops: Causes, Treatment & Help

Breathing pauses occur as a symptom of so-called sleep apnea mostly at night during sleep. Affected are about 2-4 percent of the adult population – especially overweight men who snore conspicuously. The breathing pauses lasting several seconds to minutes can lead to an acute oxygen deficiency of the organism and, if left untreated, to a … Breathing Stops: Causes, Treatment & Help

What to do in case of hiccups?

Synonym Singultus Tips/help with hiccups Hiccups, or as it is called in medical terms: Singultus occurs when there is an irritation of the nervus phrenicus, which supplies the diaphragm sensitively and is attached to the left and right of the diaphragm. (see: Causes of hiccups) This irritation is usually caused when there is too much … What to do in case of hiccups?


Synonym Singultus Definition Hiccups are sudden contractions of the diaphragm that irregularly or regularly cause parts of the air in the windpipe to be suddenly squeezed out. Causes of hiccups The causes of hiccups can be completely different. Depending on the age of the affected patient, different causes can be considered. Also the frequency of … Hiccups

Get rid of hiccups | Hiccups

Get rid of hiccups To get rid of hiccups, you can use a lot of general household tips. However, the response to these many different tips varies greatly, so you will need to try many methods to find out if you can get rid of hiccups. Probably the best known tip is to hold your … Get rid of hiccups | Hiccups

Hiccups when smoking | Hiccups

Hiccups when smoking Cigarette smoke is also a possible cause of hiccups. When smoking, the smoke reaches the lungs through inhalation and simultaneously comes into contact with the mucous membrane of the esophagus. Like alcohol, nicotine smoke is also a cell poison. When smoking, the mucous membranes of the esophagus and the windpipe are irritated, … Hiccups when smoking | Hiccups

When does pneumonia become dangerous for babies? | Pneumonia in the baby

When does pneumonia become dangerous for babies? Pneumonia in babies is always a serious disease. Infants are always treated as inpatients, as they are given antibiotics through the vein to combat the germs.In addition, the baby’s condition must be closely monitored to ensure that no complications arise. If a baby becomes conspicuous due to a … When does pneumonia become dangerous for babies? | Pneumonia in the baby

Pneumonia in the baby

Pneumonia is an inflammatory disease of the lung tissue and is also known as pneumonia. It is one of the most common diseases of the respiratory system in children. It can be caused by various pathogens. The time of infection also plays a role in its course, but also in the identification of the pathogen. … Pneumonia in the baby

Cause | Pneumonia in the baby

Cause In babies and small children, pneumonia acquired in an outpatient setting is often a mixed infection of bacteria and viruses. A bacterial one is often preceded by a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract. About a quarter of all pneumonia is of viral origin and the younger the patient, the more likely viruses … Cause | Pneumonia in the baby