Occurrence of pneumonia in certain situations | Pneumonia

Occurrence of pneumonia in certain situations Special precautions apply to babies, both in case they are ill themselves and in case their parents or siblings are ill. The immune system of children is not fully developed until the age of 10, it is still learning. Therefore, babies cannot defend themselves against the pathogens as effectively … Occurrence of pneumonia in certain situations | Pneumonia

Prognosis | Pneumonia

Prognosis The prognosis for outpatient pneumonia (pneumonia) is quite good, as the mortality rate is significantly below 5%. In comparison, the mortality rate of hospital-acquired pneumonia is 70%. On the one hand, this is due to the different pathogen spectrum: hospital germs are usually more resistant. On the other hand, it is due to the … Prognosis | Pneumonia

Stethoscope: Treatment, Effect & Risks

The acoustic stethoscope is used in human medicine to listen to and auscultate various body sounds. Typically, these are heart sounds, sounds in the lungs and bronchi during inhalation and exhalation, bowel sounds caused by peristalsis, and possibly flow sounds in certain veins (e.g., the carotid arteries). Listening is done non-invasively, and the stethoscope is … Stethoscope: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Bronchitis in the baby

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane that lines the bronchi in the lungs. Bronchitis is therefore a disease of the respiratory tract and occurs particularly frequently in childhood and adolescence. Bronchitis also occurs in babies, especially in the cold season, as the respiratory tract is attacked by the cold winter air and many … Bronchitis in the baby

Different forms of bronchitis in babies | Bronchitis in the baby

Different forms of bronchitis in babies Obstructive/spastic bronchitis is a special form of acute bronchitis and can occur in babies and small children. As with acute bronchitis, the pathogens are usually viruses, especially adeno- and RS-viruses. The pathogens cause a constriction of the bronchial tubes due to an excessive reaction of the bronchial system; this … Different forms of bronchitis in babies | Bronchitis in the baby

How do I recognize bronchitis in a baby? | Bronchitis in the baby

How do I recognize bronchitis in a baby? A normal bronchitis – caused by viruses – initially has similar symptoms to a “normal” cold, such as a dry and unproductive cough, slightly elevated temperatures between 37.5°C and 38°C, possibly one can already hear – typical for this disease – rales without a stethoscope. These noises … How do I recognize bronchitis in a baby? | Bronchitis in the baby

Therapy | Bronchitis in the baby

Therapy What to do if you have baby bronchitis? Acute bronchitis is first treated by resting and drinking enough fluids. Warm, unsweetened teas are best so that the mucous membrane can regenerate and the mucus is dissolved. Mucolytic drugs can also be given to relieve the child’s symptoms. So-called cough looseners or expectorants contain ingredients … Therapy | Bronchitis in the baby

When does the baby need antibiotics? | Bronchitis in the baby

When does the baby need antibiotics? Since over 90% of bronchitis is caused by viruses, an antibiotic is not useful in most cases, as they only work against bacteria but not against viruses. If, however, an additional infection with a bacterium occurs, which should turn out to be a severe bacterial superinfection (with high fever, … When does the baby need antibiotics? | Bronchitis in the baby

Human respiration

Synonyms lungs, airways, oxygen exchange, pneumonia, bronchial asthma English: breathing The human respiration has the task of absorbing oxygen for the energy production of the body cells and of releasing the used air in the form of carbon dioxide. Therefore, breathing (product of respiratory frequency/respiratory rate and depth of inhalation) is adjusted to the oxygen … Human respiration


General information The bronchial system refers to the airways of the lungs. It is divided into an air conducting and a respiratory part. The air-conducting part is the sole conduit for breathing air and consists of the main bronchi and the bronchioles. It is also known as dead space, as no gas exchange takes place … Bronchia