Common diseases during pregnancy

Among the most common diseases during pregnancy are Genital infections Asymptomatic bacteriuria Cystitis Urinary retention Bladder mole Placental insufficiency (placenta weakness) Placenta praevia Too much or too little amniotic fluid High blood pressure during pregnancy Pregnancy diabetes Pregnancy anemia Genital Infections Asymptomatic bacteriuria Cystitis Urinary retention Bladder mole Placental insufficiency (placenta weakness) Placenta praevia Too … Common diseases during pregnancy

Breech end position

Definition The breech presentation describes the position of the child in the woman’s uterus shortly before birth. If the unborn child does not turn correctly, the pelvis or buttocks of the child point downwards. In this case, this is called the breech presentation. As a rule, the baby turns its head downwards at the end … Breech end position