Weeks of pregnancy | Guide to pregnancy

Weeks of pregnancy

In order to be able to classify the period of an existing pregnancy more precisely, gynaecology and obstetrics talk about weeks of pregnancy. Usually the first day of the last menstruation is considered the first day of pregnancy. This classification is called post menstruationem (p. m.).

In contrast to this is the classification according to post conceptionem (“conceptio” means conception). This allows the correct duration of pregnancy to be indicated, as pregnancy began by fertilisation of the egg and not on the day of the last menstruation. On average a pregnancy lasts 38 weeks and 3 days, but this varies greatly.

These 268 days are divided into three trimesters/trimester for better orientation. The first trimester/trimenon is from the 1st to the 12th week of pregnancy, so it covers the first three months. The second trimester/trimester, on the other hand, begins in the 13th and ends in the 28th week of pregnancy, in which the third trimester/trimester begins, which ends with the birth of the child.

How do you calculate the probable date of birth?

Depending on the cycle, the beginning of pregnancy is set at the 1st day of the last period instead of the last period you had. According to this definition, sexual intercourse leading to fertilisation and pregnancy therefore takes place in the 2nd week of pregnancy. After that, the pregnancy lasts an average of 280 days or 40 weeks.

The actual stage of development of the fruit is regularly examined by ultrasound. However, only about 5% of all births take place exactly on the calculated date, while the vast majority show a deviation of more than a week. A birth is referred to as “carried” if there is a deviation from the calculated date of birth of more than 14 days. A birth before the completed 37th week of pregnancy is called premature birth.

How does the forthcoming birth announce itself?

There are several ways in which an imminent birth can be announced. An admission to obstetrics should be made at the following signs:

  • Amniotic fluid loss: If this occurs before the start of labour, it is called premature and carries the risk of premature birth or ascending infections. – Discharge of bloody mucus (drawing)
  • Bleeding: If this is painless, it may indicate a placenta praevia.

This occurs in 0.2 to 0.5% of pregnant women and can obstruct the birth process by placing it in the lower part of the uterus. If the bleeding is accompanied by sudden abdominal pain, it may be a premature placental abruption. This endangers the fetus and can lead to shock symptoms in the mother. – Regular contractions: The opening contractions occur every 10 minutes, last up to 1 minute and last for 1 to 2 hours

  • Gastrointestinal problems (vomiting or diarrhoea)