Endolymph: Structure, Function & Diseases

Endolymph is a clear potassium-rich lymphoid fluid that fills the cavities of the membranous labyrinth in the inner ear. Separated by the Reissner membrane, the membranous labyrinth is surrounded by the sodium-rich perilymph. For hearing, the different ion concentration between perilymph and endolymph plays a major role, while the mechanical-physical properties (principle of inertia) are … Endolymph: Structure, Function & Diseases

Dizziness triggered by the ear

Peripheral dizziness, rotatory vertigo, vestibular dizziness, vertigo Introduction The term “dizziness” refers to a disturbance of the sense of balance. Affected persons find it increasingly difficult to interpret their own posture in space. In most cases, dizziness is accompanied by pronounced nausea, vomiting and visual disturbances. How does dizziness caused by the ear manifest itself? … Dizziness triggered by the ear

Associated symptoms of dizziness | Dizziness triggered by the ear

Associated symptoms of dizziness The most common accompanying symptoms of dizziness caused by the inner ear include nausea and even vomiting: Due to the failure of the organ of balance, faulty information is passed on from here to the brain, which contradicts the information of the other sensory organs. Since this phenomenon also occurs in … Associated symptoms of dizziness | Dizziness triggered by the ear

Therapy for dizziness | Dizziness triggered by the ear

Therapy for dizziness The therapy for dizziness that occurs in the ear depends largely on the underlying cause. For this reason, comprehensive diagnostics are particularly important before initiating therapy. If the dizziness is associated with an inflammation of the vestibular nerve (so-called neuritis vestibularis), drugs must be used for the symptomatic therapy of dizziness, nausea … Therapy for dizziness | Dizziness triggered by the ear

Diagnostics for dizziness through the ear | Dizziness triggered by the ear

Diagnostics for dizziness through the ear The diagnosis of dizziness is usually divided into several steps. At the beginning, the patient concerned should describe the existing complaints and any accompanying symptoms as precisely as possible in a detailed doctor-patient consultation (anamnesis). The type of vertigo plays a decisive role in determining whether it is a … Diagnostics for dizziness through the ear | Dizziness triggered by the ear

Vestibular nerve

Introduction The nervus vestibularis is the vestibular nerve and is part of the vestibulocochlear nerve. This nerve is the VIII. cranial nerve. The vestibulocochlear nerve can be divided into two parts, the cochlear nerve, i.e. the auditory nerve, and the vestibular nerve, i.e. the vestibular nerve. The function of the nerve is to transmit information … Vestibular nerve

Brainstem Reflexes: Function, Task & Diseases

The term brainstem reflex includes all reflexes that, bypassing consciousness, are directed from the brainstem via efferent fibers of the corresponding cranial nerves directly to effector organs – usually specific muscles. Brainstem reflexes, which serve to protect against impending injury, play a critical role in determining brain death prior to organ removal. If only one … Brainstem Reflexes: Function, Task & Diseases

Depth Sensitivity: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

In addition to tasting, seeing, feeling, hearing and smelling, humans can orient themselves with the help of their depth sensitivity. This ability enables him to assume a certain position and perform movements. If it is disturbed, accidents and disabilities occur in daily life. What the depth sensitivity? Depth sensitivity is composed of position sense, movement … Depth Sensitivity: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Streptomycin: Effects, Uses & Risks

Streptomycin is an aminoglycoside antibiotic with a broad spectrum of activity against Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. The antibiotic is synthesized by soil-dwelling aerobic bacteria of the genus Streptomyces, which form a large family and belong to the actinobacteria. Because of its undesirable side effects and risk of developing resistance, streptomycin is mainly used to combat … Streptomycin: Effects, Uses & Risks

Archways: Structure, Function & Diseases

The three paired semicircular canals in the inner ear, equipped with mechanoreceptors, belong to the organs of equilibrium and are each nearly perpendicular to each other, providing one semicircular canal for each of the three main directions of rotation in three-dimensional space. The arcuates are sensitive to rotational accelerations, but not to uniform rotations. They … Archways: Structure, Function & Diseases