Home remedy against dizziness

Introduction Dizziness is a common symptom that many people suffer from. Often the dizziness lasts only for a few minutes, but occurs again and again. It can be accompanied by other symptoms such as headaches, nausea, palpitations or tiredness. Not every dizziness is caused by a serious illness. Often the cause is a combination of … Home remedy against dizziness

Dizziness when getting up

Definition Suddenly standing up from a sitting or lying position may cause dizziness or blackness. This is due to a temporary reduction in the blood flow to the brain caused by the blood sinking into the veins of the legs and the resulting drop in blood pressure. One can distinguish different types of dizziness, among … Dizziness when getting up

Causes of dizziness when getting up | Dizziness when getting up

Causes of dizziness when getting up Dizziness when standing up can have different causes but the situations in which it occurs are also important to consider. In the following you will find a list of the different situations and the most common causes of dizziness. Dizziness when bending One-sided dizziness Dizziness with closed eyes Dizziness … Causes of dizziness when getting up | Dizziness when getting up

Other causes of dizziness when getting up | Dizziness when getting up

Other causes of dizziness when getting up As a rule, dizziness on getting up is idiopathic, i.e. it occurs without a known cause. It affects primarily young women and slim people with thin and long limbs. However, dizziness when getting up can also be caused by various underlying diseases. Venous valve insufficiency Diabetes Decrease of … Other causes of dizziness when getting up | Dizziness when getting up

Therapy of dizziness when getting up | Dizziness when getting up

Therapy of dizziness when getting up Normally, if the blood pressure is too low, no therapy needs to be considered. Simple measures can be taken to counteract it and thus possibly also positively influence the dizziness when getting up.You can easily do the following yourself: Only in serious cases should a medical therapy be followed … Therapy of dizziness when getting up | Dizziness when getting up

Prognosis for shrinkage when getting up | Dizziness when getting up

Prognosis for shrinkage when getting up Dizziness when getting up and low blood pressure are usually harmless, but can significantly reduce the quality of life. However, it should be remembered that low blood pressure is beneficial because it does not put too much strain on the blood vessels and patients do not suffer from cardiovascular … Prognosis for shrinkage when getting up | Dizziness when getting up

Dizziness when bending

Introduction Dizziness when bending is a dizziness that occurs when the body position changes rapidly to a bent position. The dizziness is described in the majority of cases as rotational vertigo and the affected persons feel as if they were sitting on a merry-go-round. There are several possible causes for this. The most common is … Dizziness when bending

Associated symptoms | Dizziness when bending

Associated symptoms If dizziness occurs when bending down, other accompanying symptoms may be added. Often, the affected persons become black before their eyes or they see lightning, for example. Such visual disturbances usually only occur during the dizziness attack. In addition, some people experience outbreaks of sweating and ringing in the ears. A faster beating … Associated symptoms | Dizziness when bending

Dizziness after sports

Introduction Depending on the level of training, sporting activity can be a considerable strain on the body. In the course of this, a dizzy or groggy feeling can occur during or for a short time, i.e. about an hour after training. The term dizziness, however, is used in the German language to describe many different … Dizziness after sports