Diseases of the carotid artery | Carotid artery anatomy and function

Diseases of the carotid artery Constriction (stenosis) or occlusion of the arteries supplying the brain If stenosis of an artery occurs due to arteriosclerosis, the blood supply to this vessel is reduced and thus the supply of oxygen decreases. If this constriction develops very slowly, i.e. chronically, a collateral circulation can develop via the other … Diseases of the carotid artery | Carotid artery anatomy and function

Carotid artery clogged | Carotid artery anatomy and function

Carotid artery clogged When colloquially speaking of “clogging” an artery, this usually refers to the narrowing of the vessel due to arteriosclerosis, i.e. deposits in the vessel wall which protrude into the lumen of the artery and thus impede or even prevent blood flow. A direct “clogging” of arteries in the form of a thrombus, … Carotid artery clogged | Carotid artery anatomy and function

Carotid artery anatomy and function

Synonyms Carotid, carotid, carotid, carotid artery Latin: Arteria carotis communis. Definition The carotid artery runs in pairs and supplies large parts of the head and neck with oxygen-rich blood. On the right, it originates from the brachiocephalic trunk, on the left directly from the aortic arch. Course of the carotid artery The course of the … Carotid artery anatomy and function

External carotid artery | Carotid artery

External carotid artery The external carotid artery supplies the soft tissues and bones of the skull, as well as the throat, larynx, thyroid and the hard meninges. It emerges at the carotid bifurcation from the arteria carotis communicans and is usually the smaller artery of the two carotid arteries. It is usually located in front … External carotid artery | Carotid artery

Stenosis of the carotid artery | Carotid artery

Stenosis of the carotid artery A narrowing or blockage of a part of the internal carotid artery can usually occur for two reasons. Either a blood clot has detached and led to an embolism (vascular occlusion) or the vessel has undergone arteriosclerotic changes and over time a thrombus has formed at this site. Most blood … Stenosis of the carotid artery | Carotid artery

I recognize a calcified carotid artery by these symptoms | Calcified carotid artery

I recognize a calcified carotid artery by these symptoms Mild and moderate calcifications of the carotid artery usually cause no symptoms at all for a long time. The clinical picture is called asymptomatic carotid stenosis. Severe narrowing of the carotid artery can cause serious symptoms. These include impaired vision, speech disorders, paralysis of the arms … I recognize a calcified carotid artery by these symptoms | Calcified carotid artery

Course of disease | Calcified carotid artery

Course of disease A calcified carotid artery can remain asymptomatic and therefore undetected for a long time. As calcification typically increases gradually, the risk of developing a stroke increases as calcification increases. The risk of a heart attack also increases with carotid calcification. An early change in lifestyle can significantly improve the prognosis of the … Course of disease | Calcified carotid artery