Cholera Symptoms

It is considered one of the scourges of mankind: cholera. The bacterial infectious disease has claimed many lives, especially in the 19th century. For example, during the last major cholera epidemic in Hamburg in 1892, nearly 10,000 people died before the disease could be contained. However, cholera is not a disease of the past: regardless … Cholera Symptoms

Interaction | Dexa-Gentamicin eye drops

Interaction In principle, the treating physician must always be consulted if other drugs are used or one intends to use other drugs. Atropine and other drugs with anticholinergic effects can cause an increase in intraocular pressure. In addition, dexa-gentamicin eye drops are incompatible with amphotericin B, heparin, sulfadiazine, cephalotin and cloxacillin. If one of these … Interaction | Dexa-Gentamicin eye drops

Duration of medication intake | Duration of sore throat – what is normal?

Duration of medication intake Freely available medications such as lozenges for sore throats should generally not be taken for more than 3 days. If there is no improvement after this period, a doctor should be consulted. Ibuprofen and paracetamol can be taken regularly for the first 3 to 5 days for sore throats. Care should … Duration of medication intake | Duration of sore throat – what is normal?

DTaP-IPV-Hib Vaccine

Products DTPa-IPV+Hib vaccine is commercially available as a suspension for intramuscular injection (Infanrix DTPa-IPV+Hib, Pentavac). Effects DTPa-IPV+Hib (ATC J07CA06) is a vaccine against the following viral and bacterial diseases. The ingredients used are listed in the third column. Diphtheria (croup) D Diphtheria toxoid Tetanus (tetanus toxoid) T Tetanus Toxoid Pertussis (whooping cough) Pa Acellular components: … DTaP-IPV-Hib Vaccine

Swollen joints

Definition With a swollen joint, various structures in the joint area may be swollen, such as ligaments, tendons or capsules. Often, a swollen joint is also caused by fluid retention in the joint cavity, which is called articular effusion. An effusion is usually caused by an injury or inflammation. Depending on the cause, the accumulated … Swollen joints

Associated symptoms | Swollen joints

Associated symptoms The swollen joint is usually accompanied by movement-related pain and movement restrictions. Often there is also a sensitivity to pressure in the area surrounding the joint. If an inflammation is the trigger, the five cardinal signs of inflammation can often be observed: Swelling, overheating, redness, pain and limited function. If fever accompanies the … Associated symptoms | Swollen joints

Diagnosis | Swollen joints

Diagnosis Frequently, no treatment is necessary for a swollen joint and the swelling disappears on its own after a few days. Above all, it is important to take care of the affected joint. This is especially true for joint swelling caused by overloading or injury. Cold applications are often used to support this process. For … Diagnosis | Swollen joints

Swollen joints especially on hand fingers | Swollen joints

Swollen joints especially on hand fingers Straight one thinks straight with joint swellings at the fingers or hands, often of rheumatic illnesses like the rheumatoide Arthritis. A joint swelling caused by a joint injury occurs less frequently on the hand/fingers than for example on the knee or ankle. Unfortunately, rheumatic diseases often manifest themselves on … Swollen joints especially on hand fingers | Swollen joints


Definition Carbuncles, also known as boils, are an inflammation of several adjacent hair follicles. A carbuncle can develop from an inflammation of a single hair follicle, which is called a boil, which then spreads to other hairs and these also become inflamed as a result. Carbuncles can occur anywhere on the body where there is … Carbuncle