
Synonyms Bisohexal, Rivacor, Bilol, Bisacardiol, Beta-blockerBisoprolol belongs to the group of beta-receptor blockers. Beta-receptors, also called beta-adrenoreceptors, are found in various parts of the body and are activated by the hormone adrenaline, which is released by the body during exertion, excitement and tension. Especially many of the beta receptors are located at the heart, which … Bisoprolol

When should Bisohexal® not be used? | Bisoprolol

When should Bisohexal® not be used? Absolute contraindications Relative contraindication The anaesthetist should be informed about the intake of bisoprolol before general anaesthesia, as there may be interactions between bisoprolol and the anaesthetics. Special patient groups Since bisoprolol is tolerated differently, it cannot be ruled out that the ability to react when operating machines or … When should Bisohexal® not be used? | Bisoprolol