Dosage | Biologics

Dosage Since the bilogikas are usually proteins, they must be given parenterally (via an infusion). Oral administration is not possible, as the body would then digest them and the active ingredients would not be able to exert their effect. The dosage depends on the active ingredient and the disease in question. Usually the dose is … Dosage | Biologics


Introduction The immune system is essential for the survival of every human being. In the course of evolution, the human immune system has evolved into the so-called adaptive immune system. This gives us the possibility to react more differentiated and effective to bacteria and viruses. The immune system protects us. It helps us to better … Biologics

Active substance/effect | Biologics

Active substance/effect Most biologics are proteins. There are different generations of biologics and therefore also of TNF-α inhibitors. The generations differ from the production. The ending of the name tells how much mouse protein is still present in the active ingredients. With the ending -omab there is 100%, with the ending -ximab there is still … Active substance/effect | Biologics