Treatment of the disease only with homeopathy or only as supportive therapy? | Homeopathy for athlete’s foot

Treatment of the disease only with homeopathy or only as supportive therapy? Treatment of athlete’s foot is often quite difficult, because the fungal pathogens are quite persistent in the tissue structures. Therefore the success of homeopathy is limited in most cases. After a lack of improvement within a few days to a few weeks, a … Treatment of the disease only with homeopathy or only as supportive therapy? | Homeopathy for athlete’s foot

Eczema on the face

Definition of eczema on the face In addition to eczema on the body, eczema on the face can also occur. Statistically, other parts of the body are more likely to be affected. In the area of the face, eczema occurs mainly in the cheek region or in the area of the nose. Facial eczema is … Eczema on the face

Lesion: Causes, Treatment & Help

In medicine, the term lesion usually refers to all types of skin changes and skin damage. The same or similar lesions can have different causes and sometimes require a thorough diagnosis in order to address the causes or at least the symptoms with a targeted treatment. The treatments required range from simple measures to aid … Lesion: Causes, Treatment & Help

Eczema on the hand

Definition Eczema in general is a reddening of the skin, usually caused by allergic reactions, which usually itches moderately to severely, but can also flake. Eczema is an acute or chronic inflammatory reaction of the skin. Responsible for the development of eczema on the hand are mainly the T-cells of the body. In the area … Eczema on the hand

Callus: Causes, Treatment & Help

Calluses, calluses and hardening in certain areas of the skin occur in many people and are sometimes perceived as quite unpleasant, because these can lead to painful discomfort if left untreated. Due to calluses, the ability to move can thus be restricted, especially on the feet. What is callus? Calluses form especially on those areas … Callus: Causes, Treatment & Help

Dyshidrosis (Dyshidrosis)

Suddenly they appear: Usually numerous small blisters between the fingers, on the palms of the hands or soles of the feet, filled with watery fluid. In most sufferers, they itch intensely and often lead to unpleasant changes in the skin. Experts disagree about the causes and treatment. Many sufferers experience these blisters particularly in the … Dyshidrosis (Dyshidrosis)