Urine Sample: Treatment, Effect & Risks

A urine sample can be used to detect numerous diseases, as well as drug use and pregnancy, by testing for specific substances in each case. Urinalysis is an important area of laboratory medicine, but rapid tests are also becoming increasingly common: not only for pregnancy checks, but also for initial tests for diseases. Bacteria are … Urine Sample: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Urinalysis: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Urinalysis, urine examination, is a basic diagnostic tool and valuable for any medical specialty. Urinalysis allows immediate conclusions to be drawn about a patient’s general health, particularly the condition of the kidneys and the urinary tract. What is urinalysis? Urinalysis allows immediate conclusions to be drawn about a patient’s general health, particularly the condition of … Urinalysis: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Typical causes in men | What are the typical causes of a urinary tract infection?

Typical causes in men Urinary tract infections in men are also mostly caused by intestinal bacteria. However, due to their long urethra (on average 20 cm), men suffer much less frequently from urinary tract infections that spread to the bladder. As with women, foreign bodies such as inserted bladder catheters are the main cause of … Typical causes in men | What are the typical causes of a urinary tract infection?

Causes in infants and toddlers | What are the typical causes of a urinary tract infection?

Causes in infants and toddlers Urinary tract infections occur frequently in small children and babies because they wear diapers and thus the urethra comes into increased contact with excrements from the intestine. This offers the opportunity for the intestinal bacteria to settle in the urethra and cause a urinary tract infection. In addition, small children … Causes in infants and toddlers | What are the typical causes of a urinary tract infection?

Are there also psychological causes for a urinary tract infection? | What are the typical causes of a urinary tract infection?

Are there also psychological causes for a urinary tract infection? Psychological causes of a urinary tract infection play a role when the emptying of the bladder is impaired by psychological factors. There are mental disorders that make urination difficult or even prevent it. Keeping urine in the urinary tract for a long time can promote … Are there also psychological causes for a urinary tract infection? | What are the typical causes of a urinary tract infection?

Urethroscopy: Treatment, Effect & Risks

During a urethroscopy, the doctor inserts an endoscope into the urethra. This allows him to view and examine the urethra. What is a urethroscopy? During a urethroscopy, the doctor inserts an endoscope into the urethra. This allows him to view and examine the urethra. During urethroscopy, the attending physician, usually the urologist, has the opportunity … Urethroscopy: Treatment, Effect & Risks